CRITICAL - Join in the 2025 Precinct Reorganization Events (March - May) This is your chance to participate in electing (or running for!) precinct officers. Meetups are held in your neighborhood in March. You can chose to be a delegate to your County Convention in April. You can apply to be a delegate to the State Convention in May.
Below is general information and specifics for Charleston and Colleton Counties.
Your precinct is the closest to “grassroots”. The number of precincts per county vary by population. Charleston has 182 precincts & Colleton has 32.
Every 2 years in off-election years (2023, 2025 etc.) a process called precinct reorganization occurs followed by county then state conventions.
The precinct reorganization meetings are in March, followed by the County Convention in April and the state has a State Convention in May.
Precinct Reorganization
The full schedule of precinct meetings is available (here - scroll down).
Edisto, St. Pauls 2A, 2B, 4, 5 & 6 are Saturday, March 22 10:00-12:00 at the Hollywood Library, 5130 SC-165, Hollywood.
St. Pauls 1 is Monday, March 10 6:00-7:30 at Roxbury Mercantile, 4378 SC-174, Meggett.
St. Pauls 3 is Saturday, March 1 12:00 at 4854 Highlander Ln., Hollywood
Edisto Beach Precinct Tuesday, March 25th 4:00-5:30 in the foyer at The Edisto Beach Civic Center, 42 Station Ct., Edisto.
The rest of Colleton County’s precincts’ reorganization will be Thursday, March 13th, 5:30-7:00 at the Colleton Memorial Library, 600 Hampton St., Walterboro.
What happens at Reorganization? - Basics
When you attend a precinct reorganization there is a form to fill out. You will need an ID and your voter registration number.
If you are uncertain of your precinct or your voter registration number OR if you need to register to vote click (here).
You may apply to simply be a voting precinct delegate at your County Convention. You may also apply to be a precinct officer OR you may apply for both. You may also indicate interest in being a voting delegate to the State Convention. If you become a delegate to the state you can additionally vote in Congressional District Convention voting.
The precinct delegates will attend the County Convention and vote for the County Chairman, Vice-chairman and Executive Committeeman. The Executive Committeeman is the person who goes to Columbia and votes on behalf of their county.
What does a precinct officer do? Precinct officers are necessary to allow the framework of a precinct to exist. When a precinct has no officers, it is UNorganized. The level of activity depends on the officer’s time and drive. They can help with voter registration, poll worker recruitment and help candidate campaigns. Officers include the Executive Committeeman, the President and a Secretary as a minimum. An individual can hold more than one title. The precinct’s Executive Committeeman is the voting officer at the monthly county meeting and needs to be able to attend these meetings. The precinct President can vote in the EC’s absence.
What happens at Reorganization? - Rules
During the meeting nominations will be taken for precinct officers. If more than one nomination per officer is made then there will be an election.
Precincts have a predetermined number of delegate positions for the County Convention that can be filled. If there are more applications for delegates than delegate openings there will be an election. Those who do not get selected may choose to be an “alternate delegate”. The number of alternate delegates available match the number of delegates available for that precinct. An alternate can fill in if a delegate is unavailable to attend the County Convention. If there are more people wishing to be alternates than there are alternate openings there will be an election.
Reorganization “Make-up” Meeting
If you were unable to attend your precinct’s specific reorganization meeting there is still the opportunity to become a delegate and join a precinct.
Charleston County: Wednesday, March 26th at The Charleston Rifle Club, 2221 Heriot St., Charleston. TIME to be announced (5:00 or 6:00 likely)
Colleton County: Thursday, March 27th, 5:30-7:00 at The Colleton Memorial Library, 600 Hampton St., Walterboro.
County Convention
April 6, Sunday, at the Charleston Marriott Hotel, 170 Lockwood Dr., Charleston. 11:30 - 12:50 Registration 1:00 Convention begins
April 10, Thursday, 6:00 pm at Colleton Memorial Library, Walterboro.
This is the opportunity for precinct delegates to vote for the county officers as specified above.
There will also be an election to select those who wish to be county delegates to the State Convention. The number of county delegates to the State is based on population. If an interested individual is not selected as a county delegate there is also the opportunity to be an “alternate delegate” as a back-up should the need arise. The number of available alternate delegates matches the number of standard delegates.
State Convention
To be held in Columbia on May 3rd. More details to come.
NOTE: Everyone has a different amount of time and energy available to devote to political pursuits. As a small ask, if one could commit to attending their reorg and their following County Convention as delegates, you can have a voice in securing the Executive Board leadership of your liking at the County level. There are people available dedicated to making the process as easy as possible. We are here to help! Email [email protected] for assistance. Let’s keep the foot on the gas as we move forward to what will be an important mid-term election in 2026!